Your pastime and hobby
Hobby is what a person likes to do in his spare time. Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your
Hobby is what a person likes to do in his spare time. Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your
The skyscrapers of New York City, the steel mills of Pittsburgh, the automobile assembly lines of Detroit… these symbols of industrial America belong to this
On a more commercial front, the boundaries were also being tested. Russ Meyer’s Vixen! (1968) pushed soft-core pornography to new extremes, while Roger Corman, who
The famous Italian singer Enrico Caruso sang in many countries of Europe. He visited Russia, France, Germany, Spain and many other countries. Everywhere he was
If you want to know more about the history of life of different countries you must study there traditions. English people carefully keep up their
Луганськ є одним з обласних центрів України. Він розташований на берегах рік Лу-гань і Вільхова. Місто є великим промисловим центром. Його називають колискою південної металургії.
The text “Making it all right” by Francis King is written in a style of fiction. This extract is about how Mary and her husband
Лондон – старе місто. Він виріс навколо того місця, де римські завойовники знайшли Темзу достатньо вузькою, щоб побудувати міст. Відтоді тут стоїть Лондонський міст. Вони
Demography as a science has been underestimated for many years. However, this attitude has changed dramatically at the beginning of the 21st century, when the
New Year I celebrate on the first of January. Every time I prepare for New Year. It’s pretty awful. I decorate New Year’s spruce with
My name is Vika Vishnjakova and I live in a very small town somewhere behind the Polar circle. I study English at school №6 and
One of the greatest mysteries of nature is the instinct to migrate. Every year millions of creatures feel the need to move for one reason
Україна має відносини з багатьма країнами світу. У нас широкі зв’язки з Канадою, США, Великобританією й іншими країнами. Останнім часом в Україні з’явилася велика кількість
One evening at dinner the conversation by chance drifted to the subject of pearls. There had been in the papers a good deal of talk
Ukraine is a republic. Legislative power belongs to the parliament that is called “Verkhovna Rada.” The deputies are elected by secret ballot all over the
Генрі Перселл (1659-1695), видатний англійський композитор, жив у 17 сторіччі. Він був засновником англійської опери. Його опера “Король Артур” була дуже популярна серед простих людей.
More than 240,000 Kilometers for you. Enjoy every journey in modern, high-tech and fast trains. Train travel in Europe is comfortable, relaxing and efficient. You
Today we see the world in which social, industrial and political order has been greatly influenced by science. The development of science has increased man;s
One of the world’s great cities, Moscow (Russian Moskva) is the capital of Russia. Since it was first mentioned in chronicles of 1147, Moscow has
Школьная система Канады очень похожа на систему США, но существуют некоторые отличия. Образование в Канаде общее и обязательное для детей с 6 до 16 лет,
There are a lot of planets in the space. Some of them are inhabited. The inhabitants of one nameless planet wanted it to be the
Two friends went on a trip to London. In London they went into a restaurant for dinner. On a table stood ajar of mustard. Not
Although many film histories ignore her importance in cinema history, the Frenchwoman Alice Guy is one of the inventors of the narrative film. Few of
In this composition I would like to tell about my holiday of a lifetime in Novogorsk. This place has become the favourite one since my
The great poet and dramatist William Shakespeare is often called by his people “Our National Bard”, “The Immortal. Poet of nature” and “The Great Unknown”.
Ви щойно повернулися з першого заняття на мовних курсах у країні, мова якої вивчається. Розкажіть своїм батькам, якою була тема першого заняття, опишіть своє перше
В Великобритании очень много достопримечательностей. Это как современные, так и древние памятники, такие как Стоунхендж, стена Хейдриана, замок Дорем и Собор в Йорке. В северной
Варто почати огляд визначних пам’яток США з Вашингтона. У Вашингтоні багато красивих парків і садів. Цікаво побачити відомі вишневі дерева – подарунок від Японії. Їх
I am going to tell you about Moscow. Moscow, the capital of Russia, is one of the largest cities in the world. The total area
Канада – незалежна федеративна держава. Це одна із найбільш розвинених країн. Канада складається з 10 провінцій і двох територій. Вона розташована на Північно-Аме-риканському континенті. За
Generation conflict is one of the most important problems nowadays. Kids and teenagers don’t want to act their ages and want to look and act
One winter evening a poor peasant sat near the fire talking with his wife about one of their neighbours who was a rich man. “If
Mark Twain, a famous American writer, liked to travel very much. Once he was travelling in France. He was going by train to one little
In England, the key film genres rapidly codified themselves into the colonial romance, parody films, melodramas, and domestic comedies. Following Cecil M. Hepworth’s success with
Recently we watched a film called “Win a date with Tad Hamilton”. This film was about the ordinary girl Rosalee Futch from the country, that
Die Olympischen Spiele fanden im alten Griechenland im Tal von Olympia statt. Es waren sportliche Wettkampfe zu Ehren des griechischen Gottes Zeus. Alle vier Jahre
The conquest of England by the Normans began in 1066 with the Battle of Hastings where the English fought against the Normans. The conquest was
Люди всего мира любят спорт и игры. Спорт оздоравливает людей, держит их в форме, делает более организованными и дисциплинированными. Некоторые люди занимаются спортом ради здоровья,
Walt Disney was born on 5th December, 1901, in Chicago. His father was Irish – Canadian, and his mother was German – American. Disney attended
Being quite good at languages, I was constantly thinking of sitting for some British exam to get some certificate to indicate my level of English.
My name is Irina Mamontova. I am an accountant. And as many people, I have a dream. I dream about travelling around the world. Moving
The Olympic games have a very long history. They began in 777 bc. in Greece and took place every 4 years for nearly 12 century
City &;; Guilds is one of the world’s pre-eminent organisations for vocational education. City &;; Guilds take pride in the diversity of the qualifications they
Many Russian people like going in for sports. Some of them just want to be healthy and fit. The others go in for sport for
Dear Sir, I am writing to apply for the position of the English teacher in the Language Centre. As outlined in my resume, which I
Meanwhile, Alfred Hitchcock continued his string of suspense classics in England with The 39 Steps (1935), Secret Agent (1936), Sabotage (1936), and The Lady Vanishes
Місто, у якому я живу, не дуже велике, і в ньому немає великих галерей і музеїв. Але в нашому місті є гарний музей природи. На
Коли чуєш ім’я якогось письменника, то відразу виникає асоціація з його творами або визначними роботами. З ім’ям Бориса Грінченка виникають у пам’яті твори зі шкільної
Tourism can be defined as the act of travel for the purpose of recreation, and the provision of services for this act. A tourist is
Much was done by people to reach the present state of human development. It is necessary to say that great contribution to the development of