Science in our life

Today we see the world in which social, industrial and political order has been greatly influenced by science. The development of science has increased man;s know-ledge of nature. Modern experimental science began about 400 year ago. Man learned to use the energy of fire water. Later man made steaw serve him.

Nowadays man uses thermonuclear energy and that of autimatter. I;d like to dwell on electronics as not a day passes without the appearance of a new electronic device. The first great progress in electronics came with the invention of the vacuum tube or valve in 1904. it made broad casting possible, the development of electronics during World War II gave us radars and electronic computers. The first general purpose computer for scientific use was invented in 1949. Today computers have become common they can do fantastic things.

Computer can conduct experiments in places, which are too dangerous for people. Some computers are used in carves and mines to replace workers.

Besides they can be designed for special purposes. They can solve mathematical problems, make bank aubuts, play chess.

New supercomputers solve problems in many branches of industry, science and culture. They are widely used in submarine navigation and in modern hospital. Now much is being done to create artificial intellect.

Science has brought in to being a new atomic technologies. Electric engineering and radio engineering have been created in the some way.

Science and technology have achieved great progress in space research. There have been space flights, the launching of interplanetary stations in the direction of Mars, Radar contacts with the planets Mercury and Venus. Science enters own flats. Many people have already forgotten what the world was like before television.

Several generations of children have grown up with TV as a baby-sitter, teacher and companion. A lot of kitchens in our flats are so well equipped that they look like a control room. We are so used to all these that we can;t imagine our life without science.

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Science in our life