I would like to submit of our local painter N. S. Sharuev. He was, and remains in our memory, one of the most respected and significant balakovo’s painters. This year he would have turned 90 years old.
For nearly 10 years as he died, but his rich artistic heritage lives. Classic and industrial landscape, portraits and still lifes are encouraged transparency, ease of cyst, the elasticity of the stroke, the artist’s love for prirode. Personality of N. S.
Sharuev serves as a rare example of overcoming life in the name of being a painter. He was absolutely indifferent to the material well-being, comfort, but could not live without painting, appreciated the luxury of human communication. Maybe he did not shine refinement of speech, but dazzle poetry F. Tutchev, Fedorov, did not like the “isms” in art and admired classical and contemporary painting. As a child he believed that the Good, Beauty and Love will save the world, and tremblingly comprehended
With pain, he remembered the bitter mother’s share and her father, who were dekulakized the end of the 20’s of 20 century, and they had two sons to leave the village and moved to Berezovo relatives in Balakovo. The only father’s fault, as well as hundreds of other farm families, was that they could a lot of and good work. However, in Balakovo Stalinist’s repression rink walked on family. Denounced by landlord who sheltered Sharuev’s family, father was arrested, received a ten-year term and was serving a sentence in the construction Belomorkanal. But his guilt was the fact that working groom, he took ten kilograms of grain to feed the horses in one of his trips.
Sergei Afanasyevich returned hopelessly ill and died. Olga, mother, in spite of poverty, sent their sons to school. Tendency to painting a peasant boy woke up early. At school exhibition 1933 Kolia Sharuev was seen and appreciated by Moscow’s painter Gabriel Stihinym, K. Korovin’s friend, whose was visited our city.
It is important to meet the young painter
All his life Sergey Nikolayevich remembered his first work “Portrait of a beggar”, which was awarded to the city show the second prize (270 rubles).
In those days it was fabulous money. The young artist, on G. Stihin’s advice, met in Moscow, the Tretyakov Gallery. But, alas, his mother dressed and shod guys on this money. School life was harsh.
Still, after eight classes Nicolay could to engage his favorite thing, he was invited to work as a teacher of drawing. And in the army, where he was called, he worked as apainter and decorator, cartographer. Sharuev spoke about war rarely. Too terrible memories were: this is the environment in which the regiment got on their own, and coupons, and a long way through the marshes to his side, and a reunion with a tank brigade, near lake Peipsi, which had reached Konigsberg and Rostock. n Germany, Sharuev. served until 1947. He was engaged in design work, he painted war’s portraits, drank eagerly the European’s air of culture.
First of all, he learned the language and to communicate freely with different people. Sharuev remembered long meeting with the German’s painter in the area of the city Vaysenfelts. He praised the painting by an unknown artist when he bought paint in an art’s shop.
Moved by the seller gave the “occupier” the painter’s business card. The meeting took place. Remember the work of “Hungry Germany”. Unfortunately, Russian culture at the German’s painter was identified only with the name of Leo Tolstoy.
Not since the moment Sharuev had adesire to promote the Russian school of painting: Repin, Surikov, Serov, Korovin. And still more clearly he realized that war and culture are incompatible. He overcame the temptation. The Englishman became interest one of his works.
He suggested Russian soldier-painter badge in the “free zone”. But he thought: “The Russian people need only to Russia”.
However, his country met him severely: banned from work as a teacher of drawing, for special education and to think there was nothing. That’s “auknulos” the tragic surroundings. But man, devoted to paint up the wall, do not lose heart: he created in 1948 when the district house of culture and art room was selflessly work. Dragged him to the disciples, who later became professionals. These were Gevlich B., who died in the prime talent, and Ponomarev, beautiful graphics, and N. Gorokhov, Moscow’s poet and translator, and his own son, now an architect Victor N. Sharuev.
Sharuev’s “podvizhnichestvo” did not stop until the last days of his life: more than 40 years. on a voluntary basis, he led the art studio for children and adults, has made repeated attempts to create a school of art museums, but ran into indifference. Finally, it was at the forefront of opening a branch in Balakovo Radischev’s Museum of Art.
It seems to be typical of the background. But behind them years of hard work, meetings with such bright talents like Bogdanov – Belsky, A. Bubnov, G. Nyssa, A. Kibalnikov, V. Fomichev.
By Sharuevu come not only compatriots but also foreigners. Due to recent interest in Russian culture, to the Russian soul, the work of N. S. Sharuev adorn private collections in France, Germany, Italy, Denmark. For example, in Versailles house known French architect A. Prata Sharuev’s landscape adjacent to the work of Pablo Picasso.
Started with berezovo’s and the Volga’s landscapes, from portraits of people, something struck him. The construction of the Saratov hydroelectric power station in his work broke industrial romanticism, and he has created, in essence, an artistic chronicle of the construction. He was attracted by the movement of powerful technology, the hard work of the builders.
Births such canvases as “Installation”, “Power plant is built”, “In the pit”, “Right coast”, “Overlay of the Volga”, etc. He draws a lot of time, sincerely believing in the man – the conqueror of nature. Hence the interest in the strong personalities: the portraits of the leaders of construction Nevertheless, in my opinion, the best in creativity N. S Sharuev is a landscape. Landscape images of Volga shores, hills, lakes, forest edges, feather grass steppes, over his native city, Crimean sketches – all attracted by the high scenic culture, beauty, stop a moment. N. S. unsurpassed master of landscape sketches.
He was endowed with the gift of translating moment of revelation, but the feeling heart leads brush. As for the portraits, some are better represented by “Self” and “Portrait of ason”.
At any time of year Sharuev was on the scene, but his favorite times was the spring. This is not surprising because he came in this world on the break of winter, when it feels the awakening of nature, but left it the autumn, when nature is preparing for winter. The artist has left, after finishing his career, but he left us a rich artistic heritage: the scenic beauty of the Russian land, which is so loved.