Білет № 19 Відповіді на білети. Англійська мова

Ви розповідаєте своєму другові за листуванням білет про те, як Ви познайомилися зі своїм близьким другом. У бесіді з ним розкажіть про те, де і коли Ви познайомилися; скільки Вам було років; де Ви проводили свій вільний час, яке хобі у Вас було.

Some people say that friendship is the wine of life. To have a true devoted friend is a great luck. I have such a friend.

We have known each other since early childhood. We went to the same kindergarten and sat at the same desk at school. When one of us got into trouble the other helped.

Oksana, this is her name, is a pretty-looking girl with fair hair, big blue eyes, and a charming smile. She has a bright and happy spirit. She isn’t very tall. At school Oksana was good at English. For me this subject was very difficult.

My friend helped me a lot. We did homework together. She brought many cassettes with stories in English, video films and books.

By the way, Oksana collects video films in English. She has nearly 40 films in her collection. Her help made schooling much easier and more pleasant.

My hobby is sewing. I sewed clothes not only for myself but for Oksana too. That’s why we always looked great. Of course, I don’t mean to say that she is an ideal person.

Like anyone else she has some drawbacks but she is a wonderful friend and we get on pretty well.

Devoted – лояльний drawbacks – недоліки luck – вдача get on – зійшлися spirit – дух

Білет № 19 Відповіді на білети. Англійська мова