The text under stylistic analysis is taken from the book “The thing he loves” by Brian Glanville.
The story is told by the author. This story is about terrible car accident which happened with the taller of this story.
It begins with the author;s memory about that awful day. Here we have such stylistic devices like ellipsis “It felt terrible. The worst moment in my life. Terrible, it felt.
It still does. It always will”. These short sentences show us the emotional state of the main character, that day passed but he still in shock, and seems that it will always in his memory.
The first thought he had when this happened was “bloody hell” – it;s an epithet that clearly describes all that situation. Everything happened so suddenly that the main character couldn;t realize it: “bang on the footbrake and then that dreadful bump”, the author uses the epithet “dreadful”.
Then in the text we have the description of the accident “the body and the blood”. We don;t know exactly, but I think that he knew that person that was under the car. Because we have such words “God please God, don;t let it be him, it can;t be him”.
The the people;s voices said it was Joey Black and he is dead.
The policeman asked him what happened, and then we have the voices again: “It;s Joey Black; Dead” and here the author uses the comparison “he run out like a lunatic” to show that may be the man wanted to committee a suicide.
The main character went a bit hysterical, he wanted to know if this man is dead or not. He tried to get over and see the body, but everything he had seen was “the mass of long fair hair, the blood around and an ambulance”. And in the end of the text the author uses euphemism “he was gone” that means that the man is dead.