Answers: 1. What is the procedure of showing films in Great Britain? There is usually one main film, a shorter one, a news film, some advertisements and a “trailer” telling about the film for the next week.
The first “showing” begins at about two o’clock in the afternoon and the show goes on from then until about half past ten. 2. What is more popular in Great Britain, going to the cinema or matching TV? Today people like to stay at home to watch television, especially if it is cold and wet outside.
So watching TV is more popular in Great Britain. 3. What is more comfortable in England, the cinemas or the theatres? Cinemas in Great Britain are usually larger and more comfortable than the theatres.
4. What is there behind the cinema screen?
There is a stage behind the cinema screen, so that the building can be used for concerts and other performances.
About – біля, навколо, по, при, про, відносно
Саг – автомобіль, вагон cinema – кінотеатр clean – чистий clock – годинник (настінний, настільний) composition – твір doll – лялька date – дата, число, побачення (розм.) drawing – малюнок during – протягом ear – вухо Friday – п’ятниця pale – блідий, тьмяний puppy – цуценя rose – троянда snowball – сніжка square – квадрат, квадратний, прямий, чесний (розм.) Sunday – неділя table – стіл theatre – театр tongue – язик
Tram – трамвай, вагонетка (у шахті) wood – дерево (як матеріал), ліс write – писати yard – двір, ярд (914 см) year – рік yesterday – учора you – ти, ви; вас, вам; тебе, тобі zoo – зоопарк