Ты хочешь быть счастливым? – Do you want to be happy?

Reading articles “How to be happy” in the Internet I realize that a happy person should write about it. When you ask yourself: “What is really happiness?” I think that happiness has different meanings for each person and first of all, you should define what happiness means to you. For instance, a relationship, a job, time to have fun, material things, time to listen to music, go in for sport, healthy lifestyle or eat a piece of chocolate.

As for me, I am trying to think positively every single minute of my life because I do not want to waste my time to different unnecessary things, for example: argue. Of cause I believe that without sadness I can not understand what happiness is. Also, those two words like “sadness” and “happiness” are parallel because life can not be always as a big party.

I know exactly that you are a happy person because you have your family, your friends. You can feel, touch and smell the world.


the fact that words “dream” and “reality” have different meanings, they are inseparably linked with each other.

As it is known, dream can become reality if you make necessary efforts. For example, trying to do our best, we can reach wanted results. Moreover, dreams give us energy and essential emotions to fulfil the plans which were devised.

Therefore, belief plays a significant role in our success.

At the same time, reality can also transfer into dream. As an instance I would give well-off and rich people who inherited their fortune not even endeavouring to achieve anything. In a case like that satisfaction can have a negative influence on them: with the course of time they are getting used to leading an idle way of life and becoming too lazy to work.

In the issue, the “failures” run out of money ending up with nothing.

From the other hand, dream and reality are two different worlds. Dream is quite similar to the concept fantazy, which is beyond our real life.

To conclude, sometimes limits between dream and reality can be invisible and

not easy to define. Anyway, each event taking place in our life mostly depends on us.

That evening I was really tired. I had got a lot of things to do. I was really exhausted and my only wish was to go to bed and have a good rest.

As soon as my head touched my pillow my eyes closed. I heard nothing but the rain which sang his monotonous lullaby to me.

Suddenly the rain asked me: “Why are you so gloomy? You don’t like the rain, do you?”

At first I was really surprised but then I answered: “You know it’s not because of you. Just look around! Do you see these dull streets, grey houses, and leafless trees… The houses look like each other. Blocks of flats are similar to boxes of matches.

They don’t have soul. The buildings in our town are just piles of stones but I wish them to be some kind of work of art. There are a lot of graffiti on our houses.

As for me, I think that graffiti should be a type of painting. Some graffiti are really excellent and I think it also shows the interpretation of the reality. Try to imagine, how great it would be if we have a street in graffiti style, where all buildings will have their own pictures and style. Besides, it would make me happy if the houses were colourful and of different architectural styles.

In addition, I think that there should be a lot of green zones in town. There should be different parks which may be designed in different ways with nice benches and fantastic fountains, clean lakes and rivers.

“Yes, my dear friend, I completely agree with you “, said the rain. And after a short pause the rain added: “As for me the cars irritate me most of all, they make a lot of noise and dust. And that’s why people can’t hear my singing”.

“I can’t but agree with you, the concentration of vehicles makes air quality unpleasant and sometimes dangerous to breathe. So our citizens have many health hazards. I think that our government should improve the quality of community life, putting the emphasis on vehicle.

I wish there were special streets for cars or it would be great if the car could fly near the clouds, without any noise and polluting the environment. And my dearest wish is that one day people invent such cars that would not make noise and would not pollute the air”.

“So, you are so sad because you don’t like your town, aren’t you?”- asked the rain.

All the colourful pictures flashed in my mind again. Magnificent buildings, fantastic parks, beautiful fountains… What a wonderful town it would be!

I believe if we have a town, which we can be proud of, we can reveal some problems of the contemporary world. But the next moment I felt ashamed. I didn’t think about my family: my Mom, Dad and my littlebrother. They make me happy! Not the buildings, parks and streets!

And I answered the rain: “You know, my dear rain, I would be happy in every town if my family was with me. I am sad because I have been a little bit tired today. Tomorrow everything will be OK”.

Suddenly I heard my alarm clock, the new day began and I was ready to overcome all the difficulties because my family is with me!

The sun was going down for the last time, sending its burning farewell rays down on this naked earth. Are there many people like me, I wonder? the ones who look at the sunset and think: is it the last one ever?.. the ones who count days, catch minutes and try to remember each moment of their lives?.. Remember and take it away with them…

I am 13 and I am terminally ill… It doesn’t matter, however… It doesn’t matter who I am… and how much time I have left. Only just now I have understood, that one person’s life means nothing… What can possibly change in the shining of the sun?

Will these stars go out for someone but me?

I am an egoist, I guess. In fact, all the terminally ill ones are egoists. And they can’t be blamed for this.

We are accustomed to be such, surrounded by care, asked if we felt good. Whether it’s right or not – I’m not the one to judge.

It feels so good to breathe in the fresh, floaty wind of May, filled with the smell of lilac and blooming apples. Sunset – here’s what really appeals to me. I wish it was possible to look at it 43 times in a row, like in the tale “Little Prince”.

It’s my favourite tale. It’s odd that a child is wiser than any elder. Has anyone except me and Saint-Exupery ever noticed that?

In my 13 I have read nothing but tales. What else is left for you to do in a hospital anyway? What on earth is left for a 13-year-old on a brink of death?

No, I’m not going to complain. No, I just… just wanted to say, not even to you, but to myself, that you should never think that life is over… whatever might happen… Because life – it’s onlytime, no… a small part of it… And time?

Time was made up to measure the distance from one event to another. It was made up… There is no time. So who cares how long I have lived and how much is left for me.

And I think that if I were healthy I wouldn’t be any happier than I am now. I don’t know if I should say this…

There’s one thing I know for sure – this magnificent sunset would not change. That is for sure.

Pearly and golden rays would come through purple clouds and fall down as emerald as they are now.

At least this is what makes life worth living if you’re not living it for your own sake.

Ты хочешь быть счастливым? – Do you want to be happy?