Стилистический анализ текста: Leslie Poles Hartley “W. S.”

The text under stylistic analysis is taken from the book “W. S.” by Leslie Poles Hartley. The story is told by author.

The main character of the story – Walter Streeter – gets the postcards with messages from anonymous and starts thinking them over. The author uses simile “like other novelists” to show that he is not the only one who gets such postcards. Walter was used to getting communications from strangers, sometimes they were friendly, sometimes they were critical.

At first he was glad that he didn;t have to answer them as a writer should grudge time and energy for that. He even tore the first postcard away. But something has interested him and to show it the author uses metonymy “lingered in his mind”.

About ten days later arrived another postcard from Berwick-on-Tweed. In this card the anonymous says that Walter is on the border-line case and advice him to choose one world or the other like he writes in his stories.

It became important for the main character that he pondered over this and nothing else. He starts to think is it a man or a woman. Here the author puts simile “it looked like man;s handwriting” and the other “the criticism was like a man;s”, “on the other hand, it was like a woman to probe”.

He was curious about it but soon the curiosity dismissed him, he was not that sort of person who experiments with acquaintances.

Стилистический анализ текста: Leslie Poles Hartley “W. S.”