When a foreigner sets foot in Ukraine first he gets acquainted with our cookery – national dishes and meal-times. Frequently he gets to know that in this country they are not the same as in his. The usual meals in Ukraine are breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper.
Breakfast is the first meal in the day. Lunch is a light meal usually in the middle of the day.
Dinner is the chief and the most substantial meal. It isn’t served at a definite hour in our country. When it is in the middle of the day, the lighter evening meal is called supper.
People who work usually have a break for dinner at their place of employment. During the break they have either dinner or lunch.
In great many Ukrainian homes dinner is followed by a cup of tea with a slice of lemon, jam or home-made pastry. If you have a special dinner, a housewarming party, for example, you should know how to lay the table on such an occasion. First you spread the table-cloth and put out table-mats
Then you take out of the drawer in the sideboard soup spoons for the soup, spoons for the sweet and all the cutlery-knives and smalfknife for the butter, a small knife and fork for the hors-d’oeuvres and a fruit knife for the dessert.
You should put the knives and the soup spoon on the right-hand side and the fork on the left, except the spoon for the sweet which you should put across the top. Then you put out the bread-board and a knife to cut the bread. On the left of each guest you put a small plate for bread and on the right a wine-glass.
Don’t forget to put out the table napkins for each guest and place several salt-cellars.
Once again have a look at the table and see if it is laid for each person. Then you are ready for the friends to come and don’t forget to put a bowl of beautiful flowers on the dinner table.
Do You Have Good Table Manners? Table Manners
An attractive table is a sign of the cook’s or the host’s pride and respect for you.
Be punctual, or the meal may be spoilt. Wash your hands before coming to table. At home, or when you are with friends, offer to help lay or clear the table.
Wait for the host or hostess to tell you where to sit. In America, they invite others at the table to “Enjoy”, In France, they say,” Bon Appetit”.