In our society the information plays a great role. Since the 20s н ears of the 20th century the mass media developed quickly all over the world. However, the storyof them is much longer.
In the antiquity express couriers ran and rode from one town to the others to tell news. With the invention of the printing the first newspapers appeared which were delivered by special services like posts. At the beginning of 20th century the radio was invented, and one could already read not only new information, but also listen to the news. The television which since the 50s years of the 20th century has come almost into every house of the world also innovate the information exchange.
And the developing of the Internet can be compared with an explosion.
There are all kinds of mass media in Russia. There are prints, for general and specified themes (that is for experts). Some of them express certain political views, however, the others are neutral.
There is also a lot of
The radio canals also differ from each other. In every region of Russia there is a state station where regional news, children’s programs and cultural broadcastings and others are transmitted. Several stations have whole Russia as an auditorium and are supported by the state.
The private radio canals deal more with modern music. They offer also a lot of the listener’s plays which are transmitted immediately. The broadcastings are amusing, the Radios – Jees are young and funny.
And the audience of the private radio canals is also much younger, than that of the state radio canals.
One can observe the same situation also on television. However, the quality of the broadcastings which are offered by the private television canals is much better.
Now almost all prints, radio canals and television canals have own Internet pages where one can read, or hear, or see everything what stands in the low-spirited displays.